Issues and community


retomics is an academic software. As such, it is – and will always be – completely free and open source. If you use rethomics as part of your research, please cite our reference publication.

Having troubles

If you are having issues or you want help with something, the best thing you can do is fill an “issue” on the github repository of the relevant package. For instance, if you are struggling to load DAMS data, you should go to the the damr package. This way, you can see if other users have had the same issue, and if we are already working on it!


We welcome external contributions and hope rethomics develops as a community. There are several ways you can contribute:

  • By requesting features and reporting bugs through the github issue system
  • By sending pull requests to preexisting packages
  • By volunteering to develop a new package (for instance to import a new type of data)