behavr tables
A single data structure to store data and metadata

a behavr table
Variables and metavariables
As we have seen in the previous section, metadata are crucial for proper statistical analysis of the experimental data. In the context of ethomics, the data are long time series of recorded variables such as position, orientation and number of beam crosses, for each individual.
Variables are different form metavariables in so far as the latter are made of only one value per animal.
It is easier (and less error prone) to always keep the data and metadata together.
In rethomics, in order to handle large amounts of data (together with metadata), we have designed the behavr
tables are based on the very powerful package data.table
, but enhanced with metadata.
A behavr
table is, indeed, formed internally by two tables: the metadata table and the data table, both are linked by the id
column (see figure above).
For most purposes, you can use a behavr
table just like a data.table
Therefore, do take a look at the introduction to data.table
for further details!
When we load any behavioural data in rethomics
, we get a behavr
table as a result.
In this section, we will discuss the usual operations that you can perform on behavr
Operating on behavr
Now that we have all our data at the same place, we want to be able to manipulate it.
In the next part of this tutorial, we will create some toy data and learn how to manipulate it.
This is where basic knowledge of data.table
comes in handy.
The following table is an overview of operations in behavr
represents an behavr
Section | Operation | Expression | Example |
Generalities | Summarise behavr table |
summary(DT) |
How many individuals, variables, metavariables, etc? – summary(dt) |
Pure data | Create/alter a variable | DT[, new_column := some_value] |
When are animals ‘very active’? – dt[, very_active := activity >= 2] |
Remove a variable | DT[, column_to_delete := NULL] |
Lets remove a variable we don’t need? – dt[, very_active := NULL] |
Select data rows | DT[criteria] |
Exclude data before the first hour – small_dt <- dt[t > hours(1)] |
Pure metadata | Access metadata table | DT[meta = TRUE] |
Show metadata as table – dt[meta = TRUE] |
Create/alter metavariable | DT[, new_meta := some_value, meta=TRUE] |
Define a new factor that is a comibiation of ‘sex x condition’ – dt[, treatment := paste(sex, condition, sep='|'), meta=T] |
Meta & data | Use metavariable as variable | xmv(metavariable) |
Add 10s to all time, only for animals in condition 'A' – dt[, t := ifelse(xmv(condition) == 'A', t + 10, t)] |
Remove individuals according to metavariable | DT[criteria] |
Remove all males (from data, and metadata) – dt_females <- dt[xmv(sex) == 'females'] |
Summarise | Compute individual statistics | DT[, .( statistics = some_math()), by='id'] |
Compute the average activity, per animal – stat_dt <- dt[, .(mean_acti = mean(active)), by='id'] |
Rejoin metadata to data | rejoin(DT) |
Merge metadata and summary statistics – stat_dt <- rejoin(stat_dt) |
Advanced | Stitch experiments | stitch_on(DT, metavariable) |
Playing with toy data
The behavr
package has a set of functions to make toy data. This provides us with a playgound to test functions and plots without having to get any real data.
In order to understand behavr
object, lets create a toy one.
First, we make some dummy metadata (always needed to create a behavr
## Loading required package: data.table
<- data.table( id = paste("toy_experiment", 1:10, sep = "|"),
metadata sex = rep(c("male", "female"), each = 5),
condition = c("A", "B") )
## id sex condition
## 1: toy_experiment|1 male A
## 2: toy_experiment|2 male B
## 3: toy_experiment|3 male A
## 4: toy_experiment|4 male B
## 5: toy_experiment|5 male A
## 6: toy_experiment|6 female B
## 7: toy_experiment|7 female A
## 8: toy_experiment|8 female B
## 9: toy_experiment|9 female A
## 10: toy_experiment|10 female B
This metadata describes an hypothetical experiment with ten animals (1:10
, five males and five females).
They are exposed to two conditions ("A"
and "B"
Then, we use toy_dam_data()
to simulate (instead of linking/loading) one day of DAMS-like data for these ten animals (and two conditions):
<- toy_dam_data(metadata, duration = days(1))
dt dt
## ==== METADATA ====
## id sex condition
## <char> <char> <char>
## 1: toy_experiment|1 male A
## 2: toy_experiment|10 female B
## 3: toy_experiment|2 male B
## 4: toy_experiment|3 male A
## 5: toy_experiment|4 male B
## 6: toy_experiment|5 male A
## 7: toy_experiment|6 female B
## 8: toy_experiment|7 female A
## 9: toy_experiment|8 female B
## 10: toy_experiment|9 female A
## ====== DATA ======
## id t activity
## <char> <num> <int>
## 1: toy_experiment|1 0 0
## 2: toy_experiment|1 60 2
## 3: toy_experiment|1 120 0
## 4: toy_experiment|1 180 1
## 5: toy_experiment|1 240 0
## ---
## 14406: toy_experiment|9 86160 0
## 14407: toy_experiment|9 86220 0
## 14408: toy_experiment|9 86280 2
## 14409: toy_experiment|9 86340 1
## 14410: toy_experiment|9 86400 0
As you can see, when we print dt
, our behavr
table, we have two sections: METADATA
and DATA
The former is actually just the metadata we created whilst the latter stores the data (i.e. the variables) for all animals.
The special column id
is also known as a key, and is shared between both data and metadata.
It internally allows us to map them to one another.
In other words, it is a unique id for each individual.
In this specific example, the variables t
and activity
are the time and the number of beam crosses, respectively.
A quick way to retreive general information about a behavr
table is to use summary
## behavr table with:
## 10 individuals
## 2 metavariables
## 2 variables
## 1.441e+04 measurements
## 1 key (id)
This tells us immediately how many variables, metavariables and data points, we have.
One can also print a detailed summary (i.e. one per animal):
summary(dt, detailed = TRUE)
## Summary of each individual (one per row):
## id sex condition data_points time_range
## 1: toy_experiment|1 male A 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 2: toy_experiment|10 female B 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 3: toy_experiment|2 male B 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 4: toy_experiment|3 male A 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 5: toy_experiment|4 male B 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 6: toy_experiment|5 male A 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 7: toy_experiment|6 female B 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 8: toy_experiment|7 female A 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 9: toy_experiment|8 female B 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
## 10: toy_experiment|9 female A 1441 [0 -> 86400 (86400)]
Playing with variables is just like in data.table
Read the official data.table tutorial for more functionalities.
For instance, we can add a new variable, very_active
, that is TRUE
if and only if
there was at least two beam crosses in a minute, for a given individual:
:= activity >= 2] dt[, very_active
If we decide we don’t need this variable anymore, we can remove it:
:= NULL] dt[, very_active
Sometimes, we would like to filter the data. That is, we select rows according to one or several criteria. Often we would like to exclude the very start of the experiment. For example, we can keep data after one hour:
<- dt[ t > hours(1)] dt
Note that that using dt <-
mean we make a new table that overwrite the old one (since it has the same name).
In order to access the metadata, we can add meta = TRUE
inside the []
= TRUE] dt[meta
## id sex condition
## 1: toy_experiment|1 male A
## 2: toy_experiment|10 female B
## 3: toy_experiment|2 male B
## 4: toy_experiment|3 male A
## 5: toy_experiment|4 male B
## 6: toy_experiment|5 male A
## 7: toy_experiment|6 female B
## 8: toy_experiment|7 female A
## 9: toy_experiment|8 female B
## 10: toy_experiment|9 female A
This way, we can also create new metavariables.
For instance, say you want to collapse sex
and condition
which both have two levels into one treatment
, with four levels:
:= paste(sex, condition, sep='|'), meta=T]
dt[, treatment # just to show the result:
= TRUE] dt[meta
## id sex condition treatment
## 1: toy_experiment|1 male A male|A
## 2: toy_experiment|10 female B female|B
## 3: toy_experiment|2 male B male|B
## 4: toy_experiment|3 male A male|A
## 5: toy_experiment|4 male B male|B
## 6: toy_experiment|5 male A male|A
## 7: toy_experiment|6 female B female|B
## 8: toy_experiment|7 female A female|A
## 9: toy_experiment|8 female B female|B
## 10: toy_experiment|9 female A female|A
is a function that links strings of characters with an arbitrary separator ("|"
New metavariables can also be added from a summary (see Summarise data). ### Data & Metadata {-}
The strength of behavr
tables is their ability to seamlessly use metavariables as though they were variables.
For the sake of the example, let’s say you would like to alter the variable t
(time) so that we add ten seconds, only to individuals that have condition 'A'
dt[, t := ifelse(xmv(condition) == 'A', t + 10, t)]
The key here is the use of xmv
(eXpand MetaVariable), which maps condition
back in the data.
We can also use this mechanism to remove individuals according to the value of a metavariable. For instance, lets get rid of the males!
<- dt[xmv(sex) == 'female']
dt summary(dt)
## behavr table with:
## 5 individuals
## 3 metavariables
## 2 variables
## 6.9e+03 measurements
## 1 key (id)
When individuals are removed, metadata is automatically updated.
In effect, we removed males from both data and metadata.
This operation cannot be undone, as we overwrite dt
with a new value.
An alternative would be to save the result in a new table (e.g. dt_females <- dt[xmv(sex) == 'female']
This would use some additional memory, but it is safer.
Summarise data
Thanks to data.table
operations, it is simple and efficient to compute statistics per individual.
For instance, we may want to compute the average activity for each animal:
<- dt[,
stat_dt mean_acti = mean(activity)),
by stat_dt
## ==== METADATA ====
## id sex condition treatment
## <char> <char> <char> <char>
## 1: toy_experiment|10 female B female|B
## 2: toy_experiment|6 female B female|B
## 3: toy_experiment|7 female A female|A
## 4: toy_experiment|8 female B female|B
## 5: toy_experiment|9 female A female|A
## ====== DATA ======
## id mean_acti
## <char> <num>
## 1: toy_experiment|10 0.4420290
## 2: toy_experiment|6 0.1615942
## 3: toy_experiment|7 0.4434783
## 4: toy_experiment|8 0.1731884
## 5: toy_experiment|9 0.2550725
You can actually compute many variables in one go this way:
<- dt[,
stat_dt mean_acti = mean(activity),
.(max_acti = max(activity)
by stat_dt
## ==== METADATA ====
## id sex condition treatment
## <char> <char> <char> <char>
## 1: toy_experiment|10 female B female|B
## 2: toy_experiment|6 female B female|B
## 3: toy_experiment|7 female A female|A
## 4: toy_experiment|8 female B female|B
## 5: toy_experiment|9 female A female|A
## ====== DATA ======
## id mean_acti max_acti
## <char> <num> <int>
## 1: toy_experiment|10 0.4420290 3
## 2: toy_experiment|6 0.1615942 2
## 3: toy_experiment|7 0.4434783 3
## 4: toy_experiment|8 0.1731884 2
## 5: toy_experiment|9 0.2550725 2
Then, if needed, this summary can be added back to the metadata:
# create new metadata table by joining current meta and the summary table
<- dt[stat_dt, meta=T]
new_meta # set new metadata
setmeta(dt, new_meta)
## id sex condition treatment mean_acti max_acti
## 1: toy_experiment|10 female B female|B 0.4420290 3
## 2: toy_experiment|6 female B female|B 0.1615942 2
## 3: toy_experiment|7 female A female|A 0.4434783 3
## 4: toy_experiment|8 female B female|B 0.1731884 2
## 5: toy_experiment|9 female A female|A 0.2550725 2
This way we can store per-individual aggregates and visualise or analyse them with respect to the pre-existing metadata.
Now, in order to perform statistics, we would like to merge our summaries to the metadata.
This way we end up with only one data.table
That is, we want to rejoin them to one another (i.e. we enrich our summaries with the metadata):
<- rejoin(stat_dt)
final_dt final_dt
## id sex condition treatment mean_acti max_acti
## 1: toy_experiment|10 female B female|B 0.4420290 3
## 2: toy_experiment|6 female B female|B 0.1615942 2
## 3: toy_experiment|7 female A female|A 0.4434783 3
## 4: toy_experiment|8 female B female|B 0.1731884 2
## 5: toy_experiment|9 female A female|A 0.2550725 2
This table is exactly what you need for statistics and visualisation in R